Custom observed types
The implementation of new observed types is very similar to loss functions, so we will just go over it briefly (for additional information, revisit Custom loss functions).
First, we need to define a new struct that is a subtype of SemObserved
struct MyObserved <: SemObserved
Additionally, we can write an outer constructor that will typically depend on the keyword argument data = ...
function MyObserved(;data, kwargs...)
return MyObserved(...)
To compute some fit indices, you need to provide methods for
# Number of observed datapoints
n_obs(observed::MyObserved) = ...
# Number of manifest variables
n_man(observed::MyObserved) = ...
As always, you can add additional methods for properties that imply types and loss function want to access, for example (from the SemObservedCommon
obs_cov(observed::SemObservedCommon) = observed.obs_cov